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The latter was inspired by the Exploratorium of San Francisco USA , and had the collaboration of members of its staff. It actually had the first hands-on exhibits in Brazil. In the year the embryonic museum owned a collection of animals, rocks and minerals collected by biologist Jeter Bertoletti.

In , the museum inaugurated a new building where it is located today, with a display area of 17, square meters. It became one of the most visited museums in the country. It was medium-sized and focused on the interface of science and health. It is a social organization of the state government that became the most visited museum in the state.

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Considering the size of the country and its population, the number of scientific-cultural spaces in Brazil is still low in comparison to more advanced countries. Currently there are about museums registered in the Brazilian Guide of Museums and Science Centers. Almeida et al. Most of them are small and medium in size and have very low levels of interactivity; very few of them are big enough to receive over , visitors a year.

They are mostly financed by public funds with very limited private participation. We can observe that these institutions have a limited capacity to boost science communication on a large scale, considering the size and the diversity of the Brazilian population. Very few of these spaces, however, with laudable exceptions, promote science communication and environmental education programs.

Policies and public actions taken in favor of this promotion would greatly contribute to engage a large number of Brazilians in activities focused on environmental education and science communication. From the point of view of professionals and institutions related to science communication actively organized, some events stand out. In addition to the Brazilian Association of Science Journalism, which was created in , there exist representative bodies for zoos and aquariums , botanical gardens , planetariums Starting from , institutions, scientific organizations and stakeholder groups greatly spurred the establishment of broader public policies in science communication.

This occurred when organized movements and activities focused on valuing and strengthening communication actions.

This lead to a significant increase in the incentives for science communication, including financial support in the arena and the establishment of a national coordination for many of these initiatives. As a result over the following 10 years, nearly three dozen calls were made through CNPq to support science communication projects. Among these projects there was the creation and development of science centers and museums, the development of science olympiads, science fairs and exhibitions, and other activities. There are now about 10 national science olympiads, such as in astronomy and astronautics, physics, mathematics, chemistry, history, health and environment.

The noteworthy Brazilian Mathematics Olympics of the Public Schools OBMEP , has a huge scope and educational impact, since it reaches nearly 20 million students, rendering it the largest event of its kind in the world. One of the supported programs for popularization of science, backed initiatives of "mobile science" with trucks, buses, vans etc.

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Several state funding agencies also launched calls for science communication over the past years and promoted initiatives within their states, in line with the federal actions and often linked to them. Universities, research institutions, schools, science centers and museums, funding agencies, the media, NGOs, businesses, etc. A decentralized structure allowed the stimulation, involvement and participation of State and local-level public institutions of research and education.

In the National Week of Science and Technology of , about , activities were recorded in Brazilian municipalities These data, in terms of numbers of events and territorial extension, makes the SNCT perhaps the biggest integrated event of science communication in the world. The SNCT still faces major challenges regarding its expansion and improvement, such as reaching more schools and municipalities, reaching low-income sectors of society, further involving scientific and academic community and making the activities performed be more innovative, dynamic, interactive and participatory.

As such, many initiatives were developed in the World Year of Physics , the International Year of Astronomy and the International Year of Chemistry , that reached millions of people throughout the country. One of the major challenges for the country in the next decade, which was indicated by the Conference, is to promote a radical change in the science education, in addition to expanding and improving the actions focused on communicating science to the general public.

In , the CNPq, one of the leading governmental funding agencies of the country, created a Science Communication Advisory Committee to support and decide upon science communication projects. The program aims to articulate and mobilize researchers throughout the country, internationally boost competitive basic and fundamental research, encourage scientific and technological research, promote innovation and entrepreneurship, and also establish programs that contribute towards improving science education and the public engagement in science.

Over the last few years, the interest for science communication in universities and research institutions increased significantly, with the creation of several groups throughout Brazil. The Ministry of Education created in a National Outreach Programme ProExt , geared towards public institutions of higher education, to support university outreach, including science communication activities.

In most cases, however, only isolated individuals or small groups are active, with little institutional support and little interaction with the institutions themselves.

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When we analyze the higher education offered to specialists in this field, the situation reveals itself to be even more fragile, even though it is improving, with a great dispersion of the courses. The number of theses and dissertations in science communication topics has grown, especially over the last two decades.

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  • According to the records of Capes Foundation of Ministry of Education, MEC, in charge of post-graduate grades , there were theses and dissertations written in this field from to Many of them are developed in courses that do not possess disciplines in science communication or expert supervisors in the field.

    Based on this national survey, Castelfranchi et al. Individuals with little schooling and low levels of information generally have positive attitudes; whereas people with higher education and greater access to information often have diverse attitudes, being optimistic in some respects, but are more critical in others.

    However, this awareness has not lead to a more active engagement of authorities in chasing a greater social participation in decision-making.

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    We have shown that in recent years, the activities of science communication have undergone a significant expansion in Brazil, despite the many major limitations that still linger. Although rare in the country, there already exist some diagnostics on the current framework of these activities, including their scope as well as their impact Moreira However, we lack detailed analyses with expanded data and perspectives, particularly about the quality of actions that would enable the drafting of consistent public policies for the next decade. We shall not attempt such task here, which demands more in-depth research and collective reflections than those already made.

    An excellent example of this type of diagnosis - which could serve as an inspiration for a more global and prospective assessment of the field in Brazil - was made in the United States by the Committee on Learning Science in Informal Environments, of the National Research Council of the National Academies.

    We will limit ourselves to indicating, in a synthetic way, a series of general challenges that, in our opinion, should be faced with tough decisions, adequate resources and enthusiasm from researchers and professionals from educational and research institutions and from federal and local authorities, involved in science communication.

    The science communication activities are strongly correlated with the quality of basic education, especially science education, for which the IV CNCTI indicated the need for a real "revolution", given the enormous shortcomings in the scientific education of most young Brazilians.


    Such activities can contribute also to the improvement and modernization of the teaching of science at all levels, with emphasis on methods and practices that enhance and promote creativity, experimentation and inter-discipline. The main challenges for science communication can be divided into three parts. The first one is to reach the entire Brazilian population. The objective would be to increase this number greatly, to reach middle sectors, poor and excluded sectors, those in the urban and rural areas, which include over million people.

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    A challenge of this magnitude requires time, resources and a lot of trained people. An important action in order for this to occur, will be to promote science communication in a network, while expanding, improving and integrating science centers and museums, associated to a less unequal both regionally and socially distribution, as well as a closer interaction with the formal educational system.

    As other stakeholders, those involved with the public communication of science should go where the people are. Another aspect, within the goal towards a greater social engagement, is to use the mass media in a much more intense and qualified way, particularly Internet and social networks. Furthermore, there is the need to greatly expand the science communication in the public channels and within the research institutions. Public policies constitute the second part of the challenges for the development of science communication. Despite the advances of the last decade in terms of encouragements and resources from the federal and from several state governments, public policies still are incipient.

    Existing structures need to be strengthened and new stimulatory policies should be created, continuity and expansion of means and resources are needed. Science communication has already entered into several governmental agendas and in many educational and research institutions. Politically, however, this has not been done to the necessary extent and to the level of investment inflow that would be needed to get a more socially broad, inclusive and qualified performance Moreira , Ferreira The third aspect of the challenge is related to the improvement of the quality of science communication being conducted.

    One goal is to increase and improve the training of science journalists, science communicators and scientists, as well as academically valuing these activities. With regards to science centers and museums, some of the permanent challenges that remain are to innovate and incorporate new technologies into their practices, to increase accessibility, to encourage public engagement in big issues of science and society and to improve the training of their staff and explainers Marandino It is hoped that innovative initiatives be stimulated and supported, such as the new path for natural science museums, linked with environmental and social concerns Academic assessment of further education activities, particularly in the field of science communication, is still low, despite some recent actions of universities and funding agencies.

    Such actions should be encouraged. Cooperation with other countries, through partnerships with groups and researchers from abroad who conduct research and high quality science communications, can also provide advances and significant improvements for this field in Brazil, particularly in the training of qualified personnel. Cultural aspects, which are important in any communication process, as well as an improved interface between art, science and society, should be taken into consideration in science communication activities.

    Another goal to achieve is to recognize the value of the cultural and humanistic aspects of science, as well as the acknowledgement of popular and traditional knowledge. On the other hand, the direction pointed out by so-called "citizen science", which favors the collective learning and construction of knowledge and its social appropriation, indicates a scientific education integrated with a public engagement with science. One of the most effective ways to educate the young and the public about science is to put them in the role of researchers and make them use, even if it is at a restricted level, the methods of science in an effective dialogue between science, its actors and the public.

    There is still a long way until we can declare that there exists a high level science communication and an adequate social appropriation of scientific and technological knowledge encompassing all Brazilian society. But the journey began long ago, with faltering steps in previous decades, becoming firmer in recent years. Overcoming the great challenges that were outlined here is a fundamentally collective task, that depends on the creation of effective public policies.