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This is problematic for some nations at the beginning of the game, but as a general rule this is a sound approach because all expenditures significantly help the nation.

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Education spending increases research, administrative spending increases the efficiency of collecting taxes, military and national stockpile spending make it possible to field an army, and so on. Research is a fairly simplistic part of game play. Strategy choices highly depend on national circumstances.

For example, for a Prussia that seeks early unification , a jingoistic strategy would be in play which means all-out military research. For a nation like the Ottoman Empire , colonization would be an important way to maintain great power status and thus colonization technologies would be a point of focus.

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The political component of game play is an area where the player does not need to interact too frequently and player decision making is generally restricted by various game mechanics. Each political party has a set of party issues that impact how that political party, when it is the ruling part of government, affects the nation. When the consciousness of POPs are high and the composition of the upper house is liberal enough, it is possible to first enact political reforms which can meet POP demands and attract immigrants.

Once political reforms are enacted, it is possible to enact social reforms if the upper house is liberal enough. Note that player control is limited and restricted by the game mechanics: for example once a single reform is implemented, the upper house immediately becomes more conservative delaying a nation's ability to enact further reforms for a period of time. As a general rule, all reforms should be pursued for nations that are Great powers.

While population POPs for short makes up the foundation of the Victoria 2 game's mechanics, player interaction with POPs is fairly limited. For general strategy advice, national focus and to some degree taxes is the main lever that players can use to influence POPs:. The trade system in Victoria 2 is somewhat complicated and opaque in terms of its functionality and where players can have actual and meaningful control.

The good news is that automating the trade system works quite well, and it is easily possible to play entire games from start to finish without ever interacting with the trade system. That being said, one common tip for nations that struggle with budget issues at the beginning of the game is to turn off automated buying for artillery and steamers as both are quite expensive to stockpile.

In diplomacy, it is firstly important to understand national prestige as well as national status in the form of great power, secondary power , civilized and uncivilized.

Naturally, being a great power is the most beneficial because it allows the use of spheres of influence , which is a potent way to expand a nation without resorting to military force. Alliances are similarly important to utilize: the AI often creates significant webs of alliances, thus when declaring war a player will often face multiple adversaries.

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As a result, it is important to build up military alliances in defense. Finally, it is important to understand and carefully use the casus belli system to avoid any problems with infamy that can lead to vicious "wars of containment" that are survivable only by a first rate military. The land combat strategy guide provides in-depth advice on military strategy. To understand the mechanics of how combat works, visit the Land combat reference guide.

The following will simply provide a brief overview to the basic strategic concepts of the military game. Nations have a limited amount of units to train, and the reinforcement and availability of those units are directly tied to soldier POPs. Thus, manpower is at a premium and as such, regular infantry and artillery in roughly equal parts should make up the bulk of any competent military. Mobilization is a way to rapidly field an army, but it has significantly negative effects on the national economy. As a result, it should only be used as a last resort and generally reflects bad military planning and a lack of adequate preparation.

In land warfare, the defender has a significant advantage. The attacker should always outnumber the defender or be ahead in technology if the attacker wishes to win the battle. After enemy forces have been flushed from a province, it must be occupied. To speed up an occupation, regular cavalry or aircraft towards the end of the game can be used. In naval management, the ship-attrition system is important to manage.

Ships will take damage if they are too far away from a level 2 port. Level 2 ports can be constructed anywhere, and are represented on the map by a shipyard. Prior to the tree reconstruction, ModelFinder application [ 22 ], as implemented in IQ-TREE, was used to select the best-fitted substitution model for the analysed dataset. Time-scaled phylogenetic trees were inferred with the sequences clustering in the current YFV outbreak clade. Trees were estimated under the SRD06 substitution model [ 25 ], the uncorrelated lognormal distributed relaxed molecular clock [ 26 ] and the nonparametric Bayesian Skygrid coalescent model [ 27 ].

We conducted molecular screening of YFV on liver fragments of non-human primates collected in 24 municipalities of the Bahia state, northeastern Brazil. Most of these municipalities are concentrated in the eastern region of the state, in the vicinity of the cities of Salvador and Feira de Santana Fig 1.

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Due to the deteriorated conditions of the primates, 17 Callithrix could only be identified at the species level by the surveillance team. Sampling locations of YFV genome sequences generated in this study are shown as red triangles. Main municipalities are represented as white circles. Yellow diamonds show all epizootic cases tested on the study. Green color gradient shows vegetation index of Bahia state. Briefly, positive samples were enriched by performing a multiplex PCR, using two sets of overlapping primers to amplify the YFV complete genome.

Samples with amplicon yield from 4. ML phylogenetic tree reconstructions and automated subtyping tools Yellow Fever Virus Typingtool available at www.

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Our Bayesian dated phylogenetic analysis revealed that the YFV genomes isolated from NHP infected in Bahia formed two distinct well-supported phylogenetic clusters. Cluster 1 is also composed of a sequence isolated in the city of Santa Rita de Cassia, which is at a minimal distance of km great-circle distance apart from the other cities in the same cluster. A single sequence from the municipality of Pedrao is located basally to Cluster 1, however with small support to form a clade with those sequences. Within Cluster 1, was also observed a YFV genome isolated in Rio de Janeiro state and basally to the whole cluster, sequences from Espirito Santo state are located.

This, suggests that Cluster 1 has emerged from an introduction from one of these two states, however, only future studies with higher sampling coverage from Bahia state could provide more information about the origins and transmission dynamics of YFV in northeast Brazil. Cordeiros is located further south in the Bahia state and close to the Minas Gerais state borders. Bayesian dated phylogenetic analysis revealed that the YFV genomes isolated from NHP infected in Bahia formed two distinct well-supported phylogenetic clusters.

Violin plots showing estimated posterior distributions of the time of the most recent common ancestor tMRCA. In the last two decades, YFV transmissions have been recorded beyond the limits of the considered endemic area Amazon region. This recent YFV outbreak has been favored by changes in environmental, eco-social and human behavior [ 30 ]. Although Bahia state did not report autochthonous human cases, a large number of epizootic cases in NHP have been reported in that state [ 16 ].

Here we reported the generation of novel YFV sequences recovered from NHP from the northeast region of Brazil not covered before by other studies. Our phylogenetic analysis has shown the simultaneous introduction of YFV into two distinct sites in the Bahia state. Possas and colleagues [ 31 ] discussed that NHPs are not responsible for the rapid spread of YFV observed in the last outbreak in Brazil, once the migration habits of NHP species in Brazilian Southeastern forests show evidences that they do not use the ground and deforested areas to migrate. According to our vegetation coverage analysis, Bahia state shows predominantly low to medium vegetation coverage Fig 1.

Factors like i high density of vectors and primary hosts, ii the presence of susceptible individuals and iii low vaccine coverage areas play an important role in the emergence of a YFV outbreak. Over the last decades YF cases have been controlled in Brazil through the efforts of the epidemiological surveillance teams that acts in a preventive way, through investigation and deployment of vector barriers in places considered at risk of transmission, avoiding the spread of the virus to other regions and also the re-establishment of urban transmission [ 16 ].

Upon the resurgence of YF in southeastern, Bahia state has intensified the vaccine campaign and it was widely distributed to population in municipalities bordering states with YFV circulation or where there was NHP YFV detection. The — YFV outbreak in Brazil has shown human cases with deaths in the south-eastern states, especially Minas Gerais, where the outbreak began and has expanded.

Considering the proximity between the state of Minas Gerais and the state of Bahia, together with the wide circulation of the vector, the occurrence of NHP infected by the YFV and low vaccine coverage in Bahia state, we wondered why Bahia did not present the occurrence of human cases. The best hypothesis to explain this fact lies in two main aspects: the first is related to the type of NHP infected by the virus, predominantly Callithrichidae family primates, which, as described by other studies, have a lower viral replication ability, reducing its transmission through the sylvatic cycle [ 5 , 33 — 34 ].

The goal of monitoring epizootic cases among NHP is to provide an early warning of risk of YFV transmission to humans, the second fact is based on the actions of epidemiological surveillance teams municipal and of the state that together carried out several activities to reduce virus transmission. Beyond vaccination campaign, vector blockade with insecticide heavy and costly ultra-low volume application which is already part of the strategies used by the epidemiological surveillance service in Brazil and was intensified in the state of Bahia.

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The use of agrochemicals in public health is standardized by the WHO as a complementary tool for vector control and it was adopted by the Health Surveillance Secretariat of the Ministry of Health in Brazil [ 35 ]. In addition, the investigation of suspicious cases in a timely manner was crucial to the prevention of urban yellow fever favored by Ae. Aegypti vector. Thus, the coordinated actions of epidemiological surveillance team in Bahia state were the main factor for preventing human cases during the YFV epidemics which affected other states in Brazil. Vector surveillance and control are essential for the prevention and control of vector borne diseases and, in YF epidemics, the identification of Ae.

In Bahia state, epidemiological surveillance actions such as the use of vaccine blocking strategies and vector control possibly contributed to the success in preventing autochthonous human YFV cases during the — epidemics in Brazil and should be taken as an example of coordinated management for future vector borne diseases outbreaks. Together, our findings support the hypothesis of two independent YFV SA-I introductions and highlighted the possible contribution of the actions taken by epidemiological surveillance team of the state of Bahia on prevention of human cases.

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Numbers correspond quantity of reads mapped on reference genome. Accession number correspond to Genbank database accession number.