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CAS Annexes on C6te d'Ivoire Country Program. Total Amount: US$94 million equivalent Expectedeffectiveness date: September 15, to A remove all unsanitary/informal solid waste disposal sites in the city of Abidjan and focus on the Eastern, Northeastern and Southern parts of Abidjan and on Bouakt.
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ReSe no more of his letters. It is not credible that he. I did not believe that he perceived the secret designs of the je ne croyais pas cache 2 dessein 1 enemy's general. That they might not perceive the civility. I httVe py body y perceive ivith 1 the i Tendered j'ai ren-dv, pleased — pl-? I know his fiery and cOTmattre bouiUant 2 return with impatience.

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Does craindre art. We do not compel you to adoot this corUrdindre de adopter Wc suppress for the present several intei: sting circum- ni- intercssante 2 O. Irendertd je ren-dis tu ron-dts i!

Much more than documents.

Branch 2. Did no. She was painting. She comjfjelled coniraindre Hrjinch 5. Do your 3. Branch 3, Branch 1. They put out all the candles which alained us a little.

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We shall make our expnme. Should I, by these means, gain the desired end? Ill I Branch 1 render que je ren-il? Should we sell our liberty? Branch 5. Should wo oblige streindre de art. Would 1 world 1 life. Do 're 2 1! I redui-sw-? That he may lead his pnpil step by step f. That connaissaru f. Jle did not allow us to answer him.

He stayed a fort grands —forme m. That wo ,1ours a. That you might know your real friends. That they vrai might wait for the opinion of sensible persons. Hi I have not repented? We have made as much haste as wo couJd 'T"k '' on the road? Thoy It thou not lied himself cr bundation? You were always se tourmenter your mUrui se complaining of being too warm, and now you are too Cold.

I had trusted myself to very uncertain guides.

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Didst thou not selivrer pen sur 2 desm. Had temeraireTnent dans — m. I repented too late of having taken such a. We met in the street, but we did not f. When we h.

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Wm not these. Repent thou. Do not repent. Tliat I may repent. That I may luive repented.

Do not flatter se souvenir se promettre thyself that thou wilt succeed easily. Let us take an exact un sVjCctsfacUe se rendre — 2 account of our actions. Let us not deceive ourselves. Rest compte 1 se flatter se reposer yourself in the shade of this tree. Do not expose yourself so d fftnire s'exposer rashly. Is it not essential that we should contain ourselves 1 They — tiel se contenir On, wish that you should early accustom yourselves, to industry.

It is time thai they should rest from the fatigue of business. It 18 Can I have been deceived so grossly 7 Sepeut-il que se tromper grossierement?

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It is not said It will never be believed that On crovra It is not suspected that yoii etonnant se decider a that he interfered in this business. It is not reported that se deguiser adroitement On ne dit pas they have behaved ill. Did they On Was it ne- se servir de moyen,m. The Greek and the Latin languages have a peculiar form of verbs, called ;? My brother WM wounded. Has not your bister been well received "?

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  4. The boys shall all be punished rrcevoir ecolier jmnir Is the garden door opened? When were these fruits gathered! Neuter verbs are of two sorts. Those which express a state, a quality, as : Jc languis, I languish ; il excelle, he excels. Those which express an action, which cannot pass over to another object, as : je dine, I dine ; je marche, 1 walk ; suice we cannot say ; je dine un homme, I dine a man ; je marche mon frere, I walk my brother. Neuter verbs are also sometimes on that account called intransi- tive.

    Some neuter verbs admit a substantive after them, as complement, that is to say, as giving full sense to the sen- tence : je pense a monpere, I think of my father -Je depends de mononcle, I am dependant on my uncle ; je tremble de [peur, I tremble with fear; but that substantive is always t governed by a preposition.

    I have spoken.

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    J'ai parle, Nous avons ri, lis ont mannre. Je suis parti, lis sont venus, fVe have laughed. They have eate?! I am gone. J iaLiiijr. It is not here the place to treat it at fuH4cngth, beca:. We will return at five o'clock. Do you apeak to that man 1 revenir parler We resist obstacles. I have not accepted of his offers. They live on vegetables.

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    4. Wo will penser d vime ind-1 de legumes agree about the price. AH at once twenty men entered convenir ae entrer dam ind-3 the room. She sleeps. Do not walk so fast. You will fall thrmir marcher tomber ind-7 They run. We subjoin a pleuvoir neiger 'greler tonner eclairer geler figeler bruiner importer faire chaud faire froid faire glissant faire crott6 faloir y avoir These verbs are also those which have only the third as : il phut, it rains ; il neige, it list of the most common.

      This peculiarity will be found noticed in the Syntax. Do you think it freezes 1 It is ten o'clock.