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There is a clear positive correlation between inverse temperature inversion and pollutants pollution [22]. Taking Thethe Urumqi region, as an example, it is located in an arid and semiarid-arid environment with little precipitation and large high evaporation. Precipitation has a purifying effect on the air and can effectively purify urban air. There is a clear negative correlation between precipitation and pollutantspollution, which is one of the key factors determining the air quality of air.

The analysis results show that the wet removal ability of rain is greater higher than that of snow. In , with the new area took Turfan City city as as an example of a new area, the emission source of PM10 emission level was 1. The source of sSoil dust is the primary source of the particulate emissions in Turpan. Turpan is a sparsely populated area.

According to statistics Turpan Statistical Yearbook statistics, the area of land other than urban construction land,and transportation land, water areas and water conservancy facility sites is covers 68, square kilometers, with a large area of bare soil.

In addition, the Turpan Basin is surrounded by Gobis and deserts. Gobis and deserts account for When windy and sand weather conditions occurs, it is very easy to cause large dust, and frequent dust storms are easily formed. The dust Dust is not only the a source of atmospheric particulate matters, but is also receptors a receptor of particulate matter, resulting in natural dust fall of ground soil dust and sand dust transmission, contributecontributing greatly to the concentration of particulate matter concentration in the atmosphere [27].

The main PM10 contribution sources of PM10 are non-metallicthe nonmetallic mineral products industry and power thermal power production, accounting for Taking With Turfan Ccity in as an example, in , the PM10 emissions of PM10 in thefrom living sourcesourceshuman activities was The main sources of the emissions of atmospheric particulate matter PM10 and PM2. Civilian coal combustion technology is poor, and there isare no scientific and effective emission control measures, and while the amount of fine particulate matter PM2. During the heating season, civilian coal combustion and central heating caused a large amount of pollutants to be emitted, and a large number amounts of primary aerosols, heavy metals, and water-soluble ions were are directly emitted directly as primary particulate matter.

At the same time, gaseous precursors such as SO2 and NO2 were are released. Adverse weather conditions It is easy to form seasily result in severe pollutioneverely polluted weather under adverse weather conditions. Under high- temperature conditions, particulate matter is formed by chemical reactions such as thermal oxidation and thermal decomposition. Most of the food and beverage sources are occur in densely populated areas, and pollutants are emitted near the ground, which has an important notable impact on the health of the population. According to activity- level survey information, there were a total of 3, catering companies in Turpan in The total PM10 emissions were In addition, the exhaust gas from restaurant fumes contains a large number of volatile organic pollutantspollutant VOCs, among which oxygenates and olefins have a high photochemical activity,, which are precursors to form secondary particulate matter, and have and have an importanta notable impact on atmospheric particulate pollution [28].

At present, vehicle exhaust is one of the main sources of the atmospheric particulate matter in China [], especially PM2. Motor vehicles also emit gaseous pollutants such as NOx and VOCs, which are converted into secondary particulate matter through photochemical reactions. Compared with to coarse particles, fine particles have a larger specific surface area, which thus capable of absorbsing and carryingies more toxic substances, which is can be harmful to human health [].

The rRoad sources in Turpan in in emitted Turpan's The nonroad-road mobile sources in Turpan are mainly divided into three categories: engineering machinery, agricultural machinery and civilian aviation aircraft. Compared with to road mobile sources, nonroad-road mobile sources usually use diesel and heavy oil as their the main fuels.

They have the characteristics of a high fuel consumption, long service life, low technical level and low maintenance rate. Most of the pollutants emitted are NOx and particulate matter [].

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I have read it carefully and made some detailed comments on parts of manuscript but the newly added discussions are not particularly relevant for this manuscript. Some of the discussions in Xinjiang, for example with regards to particular topographic and meteorological conditions may be useful information for discussions. It is suggested that the discussions focus on the following areas: - Spatial distribution: Read this paper carefully Drivers of improved PM2. For example, there are higher pollution in Xinjiang than in Fig.

So one of the things you need to discuss is why? Please note that Zhang et al. You need to read how Zhang et al. This may then be linked to economic growth and clean air actions. You will need to refer to lots of papers. Again you may benefit from comparing with Zhang et al. Please read the comments by reviewers again and address them - For example, there are a lot of air quality trend papers published recently, which you should read carefully and compare your results with what was published.

Please note that you need to re-write your abstract as well. If you were able to address all of these comments carefully, I will consider to send this for a re-review. We would appreciate receiving your revised manuscript by 30 April Your reviews's comments were highly insightful and enabled us to greatly improve the quality of our manuscript.

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Yes, We agree with you. We have seen more detailed comments in the attached file and corrected one by one, We have Re-write the Introduction according to rules and made major changes. Delete the discussions on the causes of air pollution in Jing-Jin-Ji region and Xinjiang - some of these may go to Introduction but it does not fit in the discussions. We have deleted the discussions on the causes of air pollution in Jing-Jin-Ji region and Xinjiang.

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Thank you for recommending Zhang's article for us. Your recommendation is very helpful to us. Hong Guo et al. Zhang, Y. Debin Lu et al.

Shixian Zhai et al. And We use monitoring data, Qiang Zhang is a simulation. Krasnov, H. Higher concentrations were found in parts of the city near the source of dust [22]. Zou, X. All of the above findings are consistent with our results showing high concentrations of PM2. We directly used the monitoring data to count the Sichuan Basin and got consistent results with you.

Temporal change: You may try to look at the different regions BTH and surrounding regions; Xinjiang Basin; Sichun Basin; Weihe Plateau; Northeastern China; South China and evaluate the absolute and relative changes in concentrations of different pollutants from We divide China into 11 regions. And we evaluate the absolute and relative changes in concentrations of different pollutants from Then belinked to economic growth and clean air actions.

We refer to lots of papers and compared with Zhang et al. We readed a lot of air quality trend papers published recently, and carefully compare your results with what was published. We agree with you, thank you for your help.

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We rewrited the abstract and made major changes. Drivers of improved PM2. PNAS ; 49 : Cai et al. Total Environ. A case study of the Pearl River Delta region. Lett ; Xue et al. Rapid improvement of PM2. China Earth Sci ; — Spatiotemporal patterns of remotely sensed PM2. Remote Sens. Health Perspect.

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Krotkov N A et al. Phys ; — Geosci ; 8 —5. Zhou, Y. Aerosol and Air Quality Research ; — Guo, H. Assessment of PM2. The Science of the total environment ; Chen, T. Spatial and Temporal Variations of PM2. International journal of environmental research and public health ; Wang, W. Scientific reports ; 7: Fine particulate matter PM2. Scientific reports ; 5, Cheng, N. Aerosol and Air Quality Research ; 18, Substantial changes in air pollution across China during Environmental Research Letters ; 13, Spatial and temporal variations of air quality and six air pollutants in China during — Scientific Reports volume ; 9: Synoptic meteorological modes of variability for fine particulate matter PM2.

Phys ; 18 PloS one ; e Relationship between vegetation coverage and spring dust storms over northern China. Spatio-temporal variability of particulate matter in the key part of Gansu Province, Western China. Environmental Pollution ; Volume Pages Accessed 28 October Wang, Y. Hu, J. Spatial and temporal variations of six criteria air pollutants in 31 provincial capital cities in China during Environment international ; — Spatio-temporal variation and influence factors of PM2. A method to estimate the distribution of various fractions of PM10 in ambient air in the Netherlands.

Atmos Environ ; 33 20 : — The driving factors of air quality index in China. Sustainability ; 7 11 : The contribution from distant dust sources to the atmospheric particulate matter loadings at XiAn, China during spring.

Driving forces and the spatial patterns of industrial sulfur dioxide discharge in China ; Volume Pages Spatial and temporal distribution of NO2 and SO2 in Inner Mongolia urban agglomeration obtained from satellite remote sensing and ground observations. Atmospheric Environment ; Volume Pages Analysis of influencing factors of CO2 emissions in Xinjiang under the context of different policies.

Rapid growth in nitrogen dioxide pollution over Western China, — Zhao et al. Ran, W. Lin, Y. Deji, B. La, P. Tering, X. Xu, and W, Wang. Surface gas pollutants in Lhasa, a highland city of Tibet — current levels and pollution implications. Atmos ; Chem. Lin C. High-resolution satellite remote sensing of provincial PM2. Environ ; —6. Gaseous and particulate pollutants in Lhasa, Tibet during — Spatial variability, temporal variations and implications.

Environmental Pollution ; Pages Effect of current emission abatement strategies on air quality improvement in China: A case study of Baotou, a typical industrial city in Inner Mongolia. Journal of Environmental Sciences ; Volume Pages Health impact of China's Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan: an analysis of national air quality monitoring and mortality data.

G Streets. T Waldhoff. Atmospheric Environment ; Volume 34, Issue 3: Pages Recent reduction in NOx emissions over China: synthesis of satellite observations and emission inventories Environ. Li et al. Anthropogenic drivers of — trends in summer surface ozone in China. A ; — Jin X and Holloway T.

Spatial and temporal variability of ozone sensitivity over China observed from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument J. Res ; — Regional trend analysis of surface ozone observations from monitoring networks in eastern North America, Europe and East Asia Elem. Sci ; 5: Fleming Z L et al. Tropospheric ozone assessment report: present-day ozone distribution and trends relevant to human health Elem. Anth ; 6: Zhai et al. Ding, J. Xing, S. Wang, K. Liu, J. Hao, Estimated contributions of emissions controls, meteorological factors, population growth, and changes in baseline mortality to reductions in ambient PM2.

Health Perspect ; A retrospective assessment of mortality from the London smog episode of the role of influenza and pollution. Environ Health Perspect ; A look back at the London smog of and the half century since. Environ Health Perspect ; AA EE Dooley. Fifty years later: clearing the air over the London smog. Environ Health Perspect ; A Please submit your revised manuscript by 30 July If you will need more time than this to complete your revisions, please reply to this message or contact the journal office at plosone plos.

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