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The techniques were slightly different according to the substrates. In the presence of large boulders such as at S1, the use of beach seines was restricted to open alluvium or bedrock sectors.

Results were recorded as presence-absence and number of specimens captured per unit effort CPUE. This later variable was estimated as the total number of fish caught in 50 minutes, by pooling the two mentioned sampling devices.

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Fish species were classified in feeding guilds and habitat types using available information. In some species Heptapterus mustelinus , Trichomycterus barbouri, T. Fish were classified by habitat use according to different authors Casatti et al. The following categories were established: benthic, mid-water, surface, riffle, and pool.

The number of species and percentage contribution per feeding guild and habitat use was determined for every site by pooling all collections. Species from all sampling dates were pooled. Canonical correspondence analysis CCA; ter Braak, was carried out to detect the main ecological patterns of variation in species assemblages that can be significantly explained by the available environmental variables. This multivariate statistical approach always takes into account species relative abundance even if data are in absolute values. The species data matrix consisted in 31 sampling units and the CPUE of 12 selected species from the 22 recorded Table 2.

The following rare species, that appeared only once in the sampler, were not included in the analysis due to the sensitivity of the method to outliers: Astyanax rutilus, A. As a result, data matrices consisted of 32 sampling units instead of the original In a first step, two different CCA were performed: 1 using the -pollution- data matrix, that consisted in 14 water quality variables as described above Table 1.

For the sake of simplicity we will refer to these data as -pollution variables- P in these data. For the sake of simplicity we will refer as natural variables N in these data. Vegetation cover was coded as a dummy variable for each category, coding them as when present and when absent Legendre and Legendre, Sampling date in months was coded as an ordinal index from 1 January to 12 December and was included as a natural variable to account for temporal trends along the study period following Magnan et al.

Substrate was also coded as an ordinal index, taking into account grain size, from the largest boulders; coded 3 to the smallest sand; coded 1. This cut-off point allowed keeping variance inflation factor VIF for all selected environmental variables below 5. Since pollution variables may be confounded with natural variables, we decomposed the total variability in fish community structure explained by these two different sets of data using the technique of Borcard etal. The procedure consisted in the following steps: 1 Compute the variation accounted for by pollution variables, P CCAdescribed in step 1 above ; 2 compute the variation accounted for by natural variables, N CCA described in step 2 above ; 3 compute the variation explained by the pollution variables after removal, by partial canonical correspondence analysis PCCA , of the effect of -natural- variables, P N ; 4 compute the variation explained by natural variables, after removal, by PCCA, of the effect of -pollution- variables, N P.

The pollution -pure- environmental variation is given by step 3 , and the natural -pure- environmental variation that is not related to pollution variables is given by step 4. The variation -shared- by pollution and natural variables, N P is obtained by subtracting 3 from 1 or 2 from 4. We also estimated the optimum condition and tolerance of the selected species with respect to the pollution variables, both indicators of species niche attributes ter Braak and Smilauer, Since triplots with species data may be in error because they contain the main pattern only, this table is useful to verify that inferences drawn from the plots hold true in the actual data on weighted averages ter Braak and Smilauer, These two species properties are derived from unimodal Gaussian curves relating environmental variables to abundance or frequency of occurrence.

Optimum is defined as the value of a given environmental variable that corresponds to the maximum abundance of a species. Tolerance is a measure of ecological amplitude respective to the environmental variables Jongman et al. At the former, the water currents were faster than downstream and the substrate were mainly bedrock and boulders. Moreover, the riparian vegetation canopy covered completely the river preventing direct light penetration. The habitats of sampling sites S2 and S3 were fairly similar, and characterized by medium flow velocity, with the substrate composed mainly of sand and gravel.

The riparian vegetation canopy only partially covered the river. Low water currents, higher depths,sandy-gravel substrate and restricted riparian vegetation cover characterized site S4. A total of individuals were sampled, involving 22 species, 19 genera and 12 families. The greatest number of species 15 was collected in S3 and the fewest 6 in S1. They belong to different trophic guilds and had variable degree of tolerance to pollution. The genus Trichomycterus was only found in the two uppermost sites.

Two species Characidium cf.


Eight other species Acrobrycon tarijae, Astyanax asuncionensis, Corydoras paleatus, Heptapterus mustelinus, Rineloricaria catamarcensis, Odontostilbe microcephala, Otocinclus vittatus and Pimelodella laticeps were found at least at three of the four sites. In general, the species captured in most sites were also more abundant in number CPUE, Tables 2 and 3.

High summer values in S1 were mainly due to increased densities of Trichomycterus corduvensis. High summer and autumn values at S2 were chiefly due to Hypostomus cordovae and Rineloricaria catamarcensis and in lesser extent to Acrobrycon tarijae and Characidium cf. S1 had the highest similarity with S2, and shared Heptapterus, Cheirodon, and Trichomycterus Table 4.

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Species in common and similarity with the other two sites declined markedly downstream. In contrast, the three downstream sites had much higher and comparable levels of similarity in species presence-absence. S2 differed from S3 nearly 10 km below by the presence of Jenynsia and the absence of Cichlasoma, Cheirodon, Eigenmannia and Pimelodus. The guilds with the greatest variation among sites included omnivores and invertivores, while piscivores were rare or absent Table 5.

The invertivores were indicators of more distant and less degraded environments, and were proportionally more important at S1. At S2 there were still more species of invertivores compared with S3 downstream. At S4 the percentage of omnivores was higher than the other three locations. Regarding habitat guilds, the number of benthic species was high in all sites Table 2 and at S3 and S4 the midwater species raised in number, in relation to increasing depth and lower water speeds Table 1.

Environmental variables accounted for The first two axes encompassed the majority of the total explained variability Table 6 and were used in environmental gradient interpretations. Gradient analysis indicates the possible influence of a small set of water quality variables on the spatial and temporal distribution of species assemblages along the Medina River. D, with the latter employed as an indicator of dissolved organic matter. The second axis showed high negative correlations with C. Note that the vector length for a variable represents the relative importance of that variable for predicting in the sense of multiple regression fish habitat use Copp, Samples showed a general ordination pattern following upstream-downstream direction Fig.

All samples from S1 were located at the upper-left quadrant of the plot and most samples of S4 on the upper-right side. Samples from S2 and S3 were placed in-between. However, temporal and spatial variability were confounded to a certain degree along the two canonical axes. Indeed, samples from all sites were closer in September, January and February, when they were located mostly toward the lower portion of the diagram, indicating higher temperatures and medium to high D. In contrast, most winter and spring samples from S1 were generally placed toward the upper-left side of the plot, while the winter and early-spring samples of the remaining sites tended to be placed toward the right side, indicating different seasonal responses of fish communities in relation to contrasted water quality conditions.

Samples from this later site also exhibited a less marked temporal variability when compared to the remaining sites. Species locations in ordination diagrams represent the registered optima in relation to environmental variables along the first two axes.

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In addition, the species plotted near the center of diagram are more likely to be abundant in a wider range of habitat types Fig. Trichomycterus corduvensis and Characidium cf. As a consequence, these species were found to co-occur more often than expected simply by random process in both sites. Other species required high oxygen levels, but were also more tolerant to warmer temperatures or higher C.

Some species Otocinclus vittatus , Corydoras paleatus , Acrobrycon tarijae and Astyanax asuncionensis were found in higher relative abundance in more polluted conditions. They inhabited waters having the lowest D. Other species might be considered intermediate in environmental preference, such as Jenynsia multidentata, Hypostomus cordovae, and Odontostilbe microcephala. Species found more frequently in the more pristine habitats had generally the lowest tolerance, including Characidium cf.

The most tolerant species were Otocinclus vittatus , Corydoras paleatus and Astyanax asuncionensis , which were found in a wide range of water quality conditions Table 7. Some species exhibited intermediate tolerance in spite of being common at more degraded habitats.

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These include Acrobrycon tarijae and Pimelodus albicans which also seem to prefer higher water temperatures. Results of the CCA involving natural data for all retained variables and sampling dates are shown in Table 6 and Figure 3. Selected environmental variables accounted for The first two axes encompassed a large proportion of total explained variability Fig. The first axis was positively related to a gradient of altitude and negatively to a gradient of discharge.

The second axis was negatively related with discharge and positively with time of the year; the remaining variable contributed little to the axis Fig. In a manner similar to that of the previously shown pollution plot Fig. In that manner, S1 samples appear grouped to the upper-right sector of the axis I and S3-S4 are placed closely on the opposite side, but with a larger occurrence in the discharge gradient.

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S2 appears intermediate at similar distances from the previous sites along this first Axis. Axis II explains mainly temporal variability, which is similar for all sites, with samples ordered nearly in parallel with that axis from spring larger month numbers, on the upper side, followed by autumn-winter samples intermediate month numbers, , and finishing with summer samples inferior month numbers, in the lower portion. In terms of species locations along the altitudinal gradient, there was a prevalence of Trichomycterus corduvensis in the uppermost site S1 , followed by Characidium cf. Hypostomus cordovae, Rineloricaria catamarcensis and Jenynsia multidentata were common in S2 at intermediate altitudinal levels.

The remaining species were mainly related to S3 and S4 at the lowest altitudes. Along the second canonical axis, H. However, the pollution component of the total variability was not significant after partialling-out the natural effects P N. In contrast, natural effects remained significant after the removal of pollution effects N P. As showed by Hoeinghaus et al.


Several studies conducted on Neotropical rivers and streams over the last two decades have found significant patterns of fish assemblage differentiation along longitudinal gradients Ibarra and Stewart, ; da Silva Abes and Agostinho, ; Hoeinghaus et al. Our analyses examined fish assemblage composition along the upper S1 piedmont and lower S2-S4 llanos sections. The upstream site S1 had lower species richness, and species number increased downriver and that number remained fairly constant after S2.

It may reflect in part the longest distance to the sources of colonization, and the increasing difficulty for upstream migration due to natural obstacles at higher altitudes, as well as artificial obstructions and pollution plumes. At the basin scale, Olden et al.

We observed the highest species richness in the middle region S3. These finding are in contrast to previous longitudinal gradient studies that generally have described patterns of increase in species richness in lower river stretches in Neotropical rivers Videla and Bistoni, ; Bistoni and Hued, ; Hoeinghaus et al. The slight decrease in species richness in the lower most site S4 , contrary to the expected rise due to higher connectivity may reflect sampling error, but could also reflect an increasing effect of organic pollution downriver, as evidenced by lowest D.

The oxygen concentration decrease and organic matter increase during low water periods may explain part of the longitudinal differentiation, because they were variables with high correlations along the first and second axis of pollution CCA and have potentially a major influence on species composition, due to its physiological role on growth and survival. This assumption is however, tentative because the -pure- pollution effect was not significant, due in part to the large proportion of that effect shared with natural variability.

For example, the first axis appears as a pollution gradient separating upstream from downstream sites, but in fact it is more likely an altitudinal gradient, to which pollution variables are correlated Perondi et al.

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